Travelling hasn't always been my thing. Not against it by any means, I'm just more of a home-body. ANYWAY, as of last year me and the wonderful zinester Rebecca Sheedy (but I call her Bec) have kind of made this pilgrimage to The Festival of the Photocopier (FoTP) to meet zine nerds and sell our zines together. We are both quite terrible at peddling our personal wares and usually end up pedalling each other instead.
So we made out way over to Melbourne for our zine heaven. We left Thursday evening for 5 days of no stop zine launches, bubble teas and trip to Daiso (the $2.80 shop - everything is literally $2.80). Know that I would be bring home a lot of zines (and tbh a truckload of adorable cheap stationary from Daiso), I knew I needed to pack smart. I only had carry-on so I planned my attack.
February the 14th (a.k.a Valentines day) was a super exciting day for zinesters everywhere for it was the date of THE FESTIVAL OF THE PHOTOCOPIER ZINE FAIR! My personal highlight of the FoTP as I love zines and being able to get new zines, make pals and meet the zine creators who I'm crushing on. Of course often I'm too scared to say anything to them but this year I did lot better than last year.
Look at all my pretty new zines! I got quite a haul from the over 150 stall holders.
Bec and Soph's feet at an exhibition all three of us were in.
The view of the city from Northcote was stun-tac-ular!
We got to travel on mostly trains while we were in Melbs - which is great I far enjoy the energy of a train ride to that of tram or a bus. The comfort that it's on tracks and will stop at every stop.
Sellin' my wares to the good folks of Melbourne Town.
My attempt at keeping a diary during the trip. Highly unsuccessful. I did keep dot point notes however.
Adelaide zinesters represent! Simon Gray and Rebecca Sheedy lookin' adorable.
We spent a good amount of time at the train station.
I had a grand ole time in Melbourne and some how managed to get home not over the weight limit (planned packing ftw). Makin' new pals and seein' old ones. I even got to meet Mandy Ord (one of my mentors for Oh Brother) for the first time and I don't think I made (too much of) a fool of myself. But I'll tell you about meeting Mandy in another post!
As for now, be happy, drink tea and as always..
Stay Excellent,
Following on from my last post about how the design of the characters in my graphic novel, Oh Brother, have changed over the 7-ish years I’ve been working on the book, this post is about my absolute favourite thing: drawing emotions!