Here, for your reading enjoyment, is one of my early “published” works (from when I was 7). This was created for a school assignment. The idea was that we had to create a character using the ever-popular (at least while I was in primary school) computer art program called Kidpix (I really loved that program). I created a character called “Death” (I think my folks had just started reading Terry Pratchett books to me). This masterpiece includes some of my finest illustrative work (poo brown clouds with a variety of emotions) and features Kyra, who is still my friend to this day .
I’m impressed that I already had a grasp of what is “cool” (see: the sun wearing sunglasses).
Following on from my last post about how the design of the characters in my graphic novel, Oh Brother, have changed over the 7-ish years I’ve been working on the book, this post is about my absolute favourite thing: drawing emotions!