Cartoon Ky + George drawn like paper dolls on a digital sketchbook. They are surrounded by all their favourite stuff, snacks, bubble tea, hats, musical keyboard, sketchbook.
It was my good friend Ky’s birthday a few months ago and I created this silly little drawing of us inspired by one of our video call chats. We’ve been buddies since high school and I miss her terribly (as we’ve not lived in the same state or country for almost 10 years now).
But Ky always knows how to cheer me up (as demonstrated by the mail I received recently from her, a lovely letter and some french language mini-comics from Canada (current residential location) including one by one of my fave indie artists Cathon. I’d never mentioned Cathon to Ky, she just knows what I would love instinctively. 😌
Ky and I are both pretty different but also oddly very similar. We have on more than one occasion turned up to events wearing the same thing (un-planned) a thing that still fills me joy thinking about. Our differences definitely bring out the best in me, encouraging and supporting me to do things I wouldn’t always do by myself.
Here’s to all the people in my life (and yours!) that are wonderful and supportive and just get me (or you!). You are all very lovely. 💕